Week 7 – The Quantum Physics of Racism

Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature. So why do we not approach racism as a science problem of quantum physics?

In these medications, Dr Meeks has done a very good job of explaining racism throughout American history. She has left out the racism of other continents and races, however. When viewed in its entirety, it becomes. Wet e ident that racism is a problem of humanity, an infection throughout the history of man. Its very existence could lead one to venture the opinion that racism is part of the fundamental nature of mankind. This it becomes what could be a building block of nature.

We need to use the building block of racism as a stepping stone and not a stop sign. We need desperately to heal the infestation of racism if we are to continue to evolve.

The first step for healing is acceptance and surrender. In these meditations, Dr Meeks has outlined the problem. While I disagree that racism is a black and white issue, I do agree with her assessment regarding colorism.

Racism is a fact. We cannot ignore it. We much accept its existence and in doing so, accept its consequences, the pain it has caused. The violence it encourages. Once accepted, we must then surrender to the truth of racism, expertly described by Dr Meeks.

Racism is discrimination because of diversity. I once answered the knock on my door and found a cable company salesman. He had the correct house number but the wrong street. As I started to give directions to where he needed to be, he remarked about my speech impediment and said his young son shared it. He asked me what could he do to make his son “feel normal” ans to “find normal”. I reminded him that normal is the sum of all within a certain set of of his son were present, 2/2 of our group would stutter and he the father would be the odd – i.e, the abnormal one. He was amazed and upset.

Most of us would claim to be happy being unique and yet, we seldom are. Within quantum physics there is something called Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. This simply states that we cannot know the position and speed of an object at the same instant.

To heal racism we must accept and surrender but how do we do that? Quantum physics cannot observe me and remain neutral because observation changes the nature of that which is observed.

So are we stuck with an uncomfortable notion that racism is a reality that is certain to remain for the ages? Will we ever be brave enough to heal?

Isaac Newton believed all things could be measured and measured perfectly. For many objects this is true. Heisenberg discussed things that had a wave-like frequency and said they could not be perfectly measured. Which applies to human nature?

Does evolution make us part of the Uncertainty Principle? Can we truly heal if we only focus on the pain of racism? The future is itself an uncertainty. How do we walk down its road, a road that hopefully takes us into healing?

We are all ripples in the pond of life. We connect to others that are like us because of the safety we feel with familiarity. The ripple in a pond, however are never the same. The peaks and directions are all affected by wind, temperature, what exists in the ripples path, etc. They do not let those changes stop them, however. It is the water’s nature to ebb and flow.

What is your human nature? To fear the unfamiliar or to embrace it? In what do you place your faith? Through faith we make the uncertain certain. By living faith, we can defeat racism.

Quantum physics explores the world’s smallest particles. Faith tells us that even the smallest particles have meaning. Can we reconcile the two? You already have with the average American breakfast of eggs and toast. Eggs are nature at its simplest core. Toasters are an example of the benefits of quantum physics. So tomorrow have your typical breakfast and then go forth and do something atypical – disengage from racism by honoring the smallest, weakest, disenfranchised of mankind. (Matthew 25:40) We can heal the world of racism.

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